Big Red Monster – Cabernet Sauvignon NV

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San Luis Obispo County
The Facts
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The Character
The Story
LABEL ART: Saint George slaying the dragon (Antonio Tempesta etching, 1565)
BOX ART: Each panel shows a different hero fighting monsters. Hercules, Apollo, Jason, and Saint George
About Big Red Monster
Brand Story
Every good story needs a hero, a villain... and a monster. Big Red Monster is savage beast hails from Paso Robles, California’s real wine county. Clocking in at 15% abv, rugged Paso possesses the largest diurnal temperature difference of all California wine-growing regions. Days can reach over 100 degrees and nights can be in the low 30s. Extreme heat forges fruit with dark, bold, monstrously brooding flavors and freezing nights retain a juicy, racing acidity. Slay it.
Brand Story
Every good story needs a hero, a villain... and a monster. Big Red Monster is savage beast hails from Paso Robles, California’s real wine county. Clocking in at 15% abv, rugged Paso possesses the largest diurnal temperature difference of all California wine-growing regions. Days can reach over 100 degrees and nights can be in the low 30s. Extreme heat forges fruit with dark, bold, monstrously brooding flavors and freezing nights retain a juicy, racing acidity. Slay it.
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